Missing Me Yet?

Before we left for our trip I had a hard time accepting that we were going to be so far away from family and friends AND for such a long time! This is compounded even more so because we’re both pretty family oriented people. 

We enjoy spending time with our families and chatting about the daily going-ons. On a good week (when I’m being a thoughtful daughter), my Mom in NY gets 2 phone calls…when it was report card week at school maybe it was 3-4 calls. 😁

I wondered a lot about whether our mothers would miss us and whether we would fall out of touch about everything happening back home. I know- we’re traveling around the world and yet I am concerned about the little things happening at home?  Yes, it’s true, I am. That’s the thing about home and family, it’s what makes you human, it is probably routine and commonplace, but it’s what makes you feel fulfilled in the end.

Initially I was more concerned about retaining our traditions and the customs that make us Todd&Alex…Thanksgiving, Easter basket blessing, smoking big chunks of meat for family… but I’ve realized my concerns were actually about something else. I was worried about missing the casual conversations while the meat was smoking, the exchange of facial expressions during Christmas preparations, and the comfort in knowing you belong somewhere and you have a special place within a group of people.

It probably seems very silly and insignificant to you. How could I be sad about not knowing the latest in our Barrio friend happenings while looking at gorgeous sunsets and sipping on Chilean wine???  But think about it… Pretend you weren’t able to go over to your neighbor friend’s house and sit on their stoop after a hard day at work. Pretend you couldn’t call your mom when you got really sick and didn’t know which natural medicine to take, and how often. Pretend you couldn’t listen to your cousin’s corny puns while he’s making you an aromatic cup of coffee. 

Well, we can’t. Sometimes if the WIFI connection is REALLY good we can see the visual and laugh like we did back home, but we can’t do it as often as we did in the past. And that’s what’s making me miss family and my Barrio peeps A LOT. 

So what do I do? 

Unfortunately, to my mother’s chagrin, I’m not ready to pack my backpack and come home. I miss being around everyone, having a family routine, having a place I belong to, having friends shout my name down the street…but I don’t want to give up on this adventure.

Todd seems to be missing everyone just as much, but he’s not sad about it on the outside. I on the other hand, have had 1 breakdown and 2 days of wallowing. So, I think I’m doing a pretty good job of keeping it together 😉
Every day I wake up I realize and quickly reaffirm, that this is THE ADVENTURE of a lifetime. I get to experience flamingoes, penguins, amazing geology, disc shaped glaciers, and marisco empañadas all in the same week!!!

I also realize this trip means my adventurous spirit is strong, but my roots (which are starting to pop out from underneath the Ruta 40 pavement after 5 months) are stronger. So Mama and Mom, one day we will be home…just got to get a couple of more kilometers under our belt.

12 Replies to “Missing Me Yet?”

  1. We miss you too!
    But we’re so glad you are able to do this trip while you’re young.
    Meanwhile the internet and WhatsApp are doable. It would be really hard without them.

    1. Awwwwh. Yes we are very fortunate to have those thing.

  2. So, see you soon…

    1. Soon soon soon!

  3. I’m very touched by your sharing! Yes family and a sense of belonging and roots are precious. The Road is teaching you many things and deepening your commitment to each other. I miss you too, in my auntie way. Looking forward to more posts.

    1. Missing you too!!! We wish we could transport some wine to you!

      Yes we’re also becoming stronger together and learning a lot about being so close together. We’re really enjoying experiencing all these things together! We met a couple who have been traveling for several years now and it was so good to hear about how they take “vacations” from one another and it makes them stay strong and fulfills their individual needs. What a journey!

  4. yvonne mancini says: Reply

    Beautifully written and from the heart. How would you know if you never left? We are all here, still loving both of you and awaiting more stories of you adventure to be shared once you return and the meat is still smoking.

    1. 🙂 Thank You Yvonne!!! You’re right, we wouldn’t have known.
      It will have to be a cordero. Todd and I have been ruined for meat. We may start raising Argentinian cows. 🙂

  5. Dear Alex and Brian,
    Homesickness has hit, you are both so courageous to decide to go on this trip. I just wanted to gather you up and say you are missed, give you a big hug and say keep on driving there is so much more to see and do. When you are back in the states your family connections will be stronger and so will you. I am glad you sent out your letter you are so brave to share how your heart is feeling. We miss you too.

    1. Aww, Thank You Martha!!!! Some days we feel brave…sometimes I feel we really should have studied more Spanish!!! It feels really good to be pushed out of your comfort zone, it’s the only way you grow, and it is great to reflect on all the things I wouldn’t have been able to do previously.
      I think you’re right, our connections will be stronger, I’m looking forward to being with family and friends because I think this trip will give me a whole new perspective on our world…I never realized how intertwined all of our politics and our nations are. I am glad you enjoyed the post…I thought it would be important to let good friends know they are on top of my list of priorities (wink wink).

    2. Agatha E Cwalina says: Reply

      So many times, this! Martha hit it on the nose. It’s absolutely lovely to be with family and it’s the little moments that matter. However, you need this time to grow and be on your own in order to come back an even better you.

  6. Alex, I can see I’m a little late to this post. Look at these comments!! We are all so proud of you for being brave enough to give that adventurous spirit a chance to come out. Being brave..trying new things is tough…but so necessary to continue to grow..to live a fulfilled life. You and Todd are doing such wondering things for your souls! There’s not a day that goes by where I don’t think of you…with fondness, respect, a little envy, and pride…so very proud of you! Cannot wait to see you at some point. Until then…..safe travels and adventure on my friends!! 😘

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