OK. We’re starting to feel the cold.

​It’s windy. It’s peaky. It’s confounding…in a life changing way.

The weather has started to change. No more dry and hot air and afternoon iced teas. Now we’re bundled up and we have our wind breakers on if we decide to be outside for more than 10 minutes. And we’ve taken to drinking mate.
And the wild thing is that we know it’s just going to get windier and rainier.


We had a three day streak of rain after we started the famed and picturesque Carretera Austral aka Ruta 7.

It is pretty deserted except for a couple of tiny villages and the larger “refueling” town of Coyhiaque. It’s perfect.
We are surrounded by vast valleys and waterfalls that are flowing over themselves and misting the air.

It is spring here, it rains daily and the glaciers are controlling the changes every 15 minute in the weather.

9 Replies to “OK. We’re starting to feel the cold.”

  1. Hi Todd and Alex! This leg of the trip is incredible so thank you for sharing it with all of us (:
    Question: what makes the glacier rivers a milky color? Is it picking up sediment?

    Anyway, we all miss you both, especially because it’s the Holidays! Stay safe and warm (: Can’t wait until your next post and praying for you guys! *Hugs*

    By the way… How is it already almost 2017?! The year went by so quickly! I’m just hoping for more opportunities and adventures in the coming year! Love you both!

    1. Glad you like it. Thanks for reading. The rivers are milky because the glaciers are constantly grinding away on rock creating a very fine silt. The silt is mixed with the water as it melts.

  2. Fascinating! Keep ’em coming! Hope to see you on Skype or something Sunday. John

  3. I want to know more about that cemetery and I’m sure Yvonne does as well.
    Do they put the dead in those houses?
    Do they stay in the houses while tending the graves and communing with their loved ones?
    Inquiring minds want to know.

    The scenery looks oddly familiar. 😉

    1. We don’t really know. They were just on the side of the road. I think the dead go in there and probably give a place to commune too.

  4. What a marvelous journey! So glad you are posting all these photos. Our hearts are with you.

  5. Agatha E Cwalina says: Reply

    That rainbow!

    Where do all the hitchhikers sit? Were you worried the first time you picked anyone up?

  6. Daniel Simes says: Reply

    Hi Todd and Alex- I enjoyed meeting you both at El Mosco on Christmas Eve. Looks like South America is going well. You starred in my journal on https://www.crazyguyonabike.com/doc/page/?o=1mr&page_id=490997&v=Bm . All the best.- Daniel

    1. Hi Daniel!
      Thanks for posting our picture! We hope your travels are going well. Where are you now?
      We are heading towards the Salar de Atacama next. Can’t wait to see the amazing geography this region has to offer! Today Todd is working on fixing our heating pump, perhaps we will have heat while in the sub zero temps of the salars…maybe it’s just wishful thinking.

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