Sprinting Down to South Carolina

We have been on the road for almost a month!  Granted a lot of this time was spent with family, we have spent most nights sleeping in Lola and figuring things out how she works or how we’re going to have to work with her!
We crossed down from New York to Florida Sept 17th through Sept 22nd .

3 Replies to “Sprinting Down to South Carolina”

  1. Alex – Did you ask your parents to stay in Lola for a night? I hope they tried it out! <3
    Also – it's cool that Todd showed you his old stomping grounds. It's still scary to know he was in the building next to shooting, though ): At least he was safe. I'm slowly catching up on your blog posts!!!!

    1. I suggested it to my mom…but it was too hot in NY, they wouldn’t have liked it!
      I really enjoyed VT, you’re right the tragedy of VT is hard to re-visit, but its so important to remember those who suffered and that mental health continues to be a big issue worldwide. Counselors and Therapists are amazing people and we need them!
      Glad you’re enjoying the posts 🙂

  2. Agatha E Cwalina says: Reply

    Sweet memories to have before departing!

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