We didn’t spend a ton of time in Idaho, but the time we spent there was pretty quality and definitely has made us want to come back.
From Burns we made a run for the Sawtooth National Forest. On the way, we passed through Boise and restocked the larder. Food, fuel, and a few supplies – all for a planned layover day, to take care of all those little things that we didn’t get done before.
Our layover day was spent in the Sawtooth National Forest just past Idaho city on ID-21 at a nice little campground at the edge of the creek. We had planned to go farther up in to the mountains but smoke from forest fires and daylight were holding us back. Our layover day was amazingly productive. We installed the radio that we had bought and had shipped to Portland, but never got around to installing. We fixed broken snaps on curtains, improved our snap crimping methods, rigged some privacy curtains behind the front seats, and organized the garage area. In addition to being productive, the day was a wonderful break from the moving we had done everyday during the previous week.
After two nights creek side we headed up and around and found ourselves in the charming mountain meadow town of Stanley. As we drove into town we knew we needed to take care of a few things online and make a couple of phone calls. We figured it would be a 15 minute stop in front of the library before going and finding the evening’s camp site. The 15 minute stop turned into 3 hours of blog work, and catching up with the world.
The next day we made the hard push to get over to Victor, Idaho near Jackson Wyoming. Of course we had to make another stop in town, Idaho Falls this time, to stock up.

Pre-drilling for privacy curtain snaps.

We were in Idaho from August 28th through the 31 of 2016
Love the magma fold.
It looks like brownie batter gone slightly awry.
Yeah there were some pretty formations.
Looks like a lovely journey. We are so glad you are sharing big and little insights and adventures. Do you get bored with just your company ?
That’s a great question. We have thought about that a bit. I guess the answer is Not yet. But I could see us seeking out more interaction with others down the road.
So far our tight budget has held us back to some extent. We search out free, private places to camp as a opposed to campgrounds and we mostly cook our own food. Pluses and minuses…