After our windshield cracked and fan busted, we made it to our destination- Los Barriles. We rented a spacious house with a view of the Sea of Cortez and spent a beautiful week with family. We were very lucky to stay at this large house that had a great variety of birds visiting all the […]
Baja Parenting
Here we are on the most beautiful beach yet. Laguna Ojo de Liebre. We thought it might be nice to take a walk on the beach. The girls are demanding to wear their swim suits and go in the water. Sure why not, but it is 65F. Still yes. OK let’s get them out. They […]
Highly Anticipated & Much Stressed About: Mexican Border Crossing Day
Adela managed to get an ear infection the evening before our border crossing day! We figured we should take care of the doctor visit on the US side just in case it was something bigger…it wasn’t. At 10:45am we managed to pull away from the pharmacy with the right antibiotic and headed to the border! […]
The Continued Sprint to the Mexican Border
“So we’re doing this!” I reminded myself at random points of time on days 4 and 5…we are in fact going on a long trip, with our children. Initially it felt like we were going for a regular old camping trip. We drove from Portland to Medford, OR. Then Medford to Red Rocks Trail, CA. […]
Departure #1 & #2
**We love your comments, don’t be afraid to comment! And please subscribe to get these delivered to your inbox.** One of our ways to ensure sanity-a calm departure. It’s better to leave a day later, when you feel better prepared. Additionally on Weds evening, we learned of a fresh snowfall in Southern Oregon, so that […]
Final Packing Frenzy
Todd will tell you I’m a very organized person. And that was the crux of my packing frenzy. Or anxiety. We’re not quite sure where the time is going these last couple of days, but I think things are getting checked off faster than they are being added to our checklist. And don’t ask me […]
At the Center of Our Lives
We recently had our preschool Bon Voyage Party. (Rose City Neighborhood Preschool-we’ve loved this community!!) I was doing really well handling all these “goodbye” emotional steps-until I went to bed that night and started thinking. I started thinking about what our life really revolves around- it’s the emotional well being of our kids- that they […]
Insulated Van Curtains Part II
After 8 years of journeying we decided we could make an improvement on one of the most important comfort features of our van, our curtains/ sun shades. Surprisingly, the original post on how we made them was one of our most popular posts. The snaps have been repaired many, many, multiple times. They get so […]
The Countdown to the “Departure Week”
The details are many. Every two days or so we get overwhelmed with a wave of anxiety about some detail we’ve been putting off. It’s better than 2 weeks ago though- I spent three days panicking about packing the girls sun shirts they would actually wear. And don’t get me started about sizing for little […]
What’s it Like to Pack for Van Life?
You may be wondering what it would be like to pack for a 4 month trip for 2 adults and 2 preschool aged kids. Well, its an adventure in and of itself. We have many advantages in preparing for this trip because we’ve already lived on the road for 2.5 years. We also made sure […]