We are wrapping up our last week of Spanish language classes, but we’re also learning what it’s like for children to attend school in the small town of San Pedro. I (Alex) has been volunteering on Thursdays and Fridays at a local public school. There are 30 elementary schools here! That’s a lot for a city […]
Second week in Guatemala & Guatemalteco Food

We are currently planning on spending 4 full weeks in San Pedro to become fluent Spanish speakers 🙂 Our scenery will not be changing too much, so I plan on doing posts on specific topics. We’re learning a lot about the food, it’s also a topic we practice a whole lot with our host family […]
Back to School for Us!

We arrived in Guatemala City and couldn’t believe we made it to Central America! The clouds of diesel exhaust and crowded living conditions were a quick reality check. The people are very kind and helpful. It is hard seeing that their world is so different than ours. We’ve been having lots of social justice conversations and thinking […]