“Don’t throw your garbage just anywhere! Take care of your environment, pick up after yourself! Trash ruins the environment and habitat of animals around us!” Our parents and teachers are always telling us to respect nature. But WHY??? What is all the fuss about, really? If I throw away just one candy wrapper or dirty tissue, is it really […]
KIDS ONLY: Creatures from Chile and Argentina

I promised my younger readers I would post about the animals we’ve seen and here it is! Thus far we have traveled over 14,000 MILES in Chile and Argentina!!! This is an astounding statistic for me. (I could come up with so many math problems about it) Such a massive distance, we have covered so […]
FOR KIDS ONLY: Heading Further and Further and Further…SOUTH!

A humongous SHOUT-OUT and THANK YOU to all our KID commentators out there and their TEACHERS!!!! I was flabbergasted when I got an Internet connection today and saw a whopping 23 comments!!! EASILY the most we’ve gotten in one day! I can’t wait to answer all your questions and comments. I’m excited to answer them […]
For Kids ONLY: Roadtrips…What’s the Big Idea ANYWAY?

“A road trip again?!?!! Mom, I don’t want to sit in a car for a million hours ever again!!!” Have you ever had this feeling when your parent announced what your next family vacation was going to be? Trips don’t sound good right off the bat, but you have to give them a chance. Maybe […]
What’s it like to go to School in Guatemala?
We are wrapping up our last week of Spanish language classes, but we’re also learning what it’s like for children to attend school in the small town of San Pedro. I (Alex) has been volunteering on Thursdays and Fridays at a local public school. There are 30 elementary schools here! That’s a lot for a city […]
KIDS EYES ONLY!!! What did you do this summer?

—RESTRICTED ACCESS—FOR KIDS ONLY!!! Don’t try to read this if you’re an adult or something. This is not for YOU! Teachers are always curious about their students’ summers. Why??? Didn’t they do something fun? Did they just go to teacher camps all summer? This is how I spent the weeks before school started, seeing […]