Final Packing Frenzy

Todd will tell you I’m a very organized person. And that was the crux of my packing frenzy. Or anxiety. We’re not quite sure where the time is going these last couple of days, but I think things are getting checked off faster than they are being added to our checklist. And don’t ask me […]

At the Center of Our Lives

We recently had our preschool Bon Voyage Party. (Rose City Neighborhood Preschool-we’ve loved this community!!) I was doing really well handling all these “goodbye” emotional steps-until I went to bed that night and started thinking. I started thinking about what our life really revolves around- it’s the emotional well being of our kids- that they […]

Coffee I LOVE YOU.

After Medellin we drove a couple of kilometers north to get to the central cordillera of Colombia.  We (or I) was on the search for some coffee covered hillsides and unspoiled beauty.  So our daily plans focused on being off the beaten path, finding donuts, and drinking coffee.  We started our city-detox with the quaint […]

So What’s Colombia like?

(Written on 2/8/18, posted on 5/1/18) Well, right now I can tell you what the truck stops in Colombia are like. Dusty, some wifi, some toilet seats, there might be toilet paper in the bathrooms, small snack shops….it’s an interesting place to spend the night. For instance, this morning I witnessed white flabby neck cows […]