Here we are on the most beautiful beach yet. Laguna Ojo de Liebre.
We thought it might be nice to take a walk on the beach. The girls are demanding to wear their swim suits and go in the water. Sure why not, but it is 65F. Still yes.
OK let’s get them out. They are a bit tucked away. The car seats come down and the seat folds down to give us access to the clothes.
Adela climbs up. She negotiates to wear her prettiest suit.
Zosia starts screaming, not sure why, but it probably because she was so distracted at lunchtime by a stray dog that she didn’t eat her lunch. Zosia starts to scream in Alex’s face. Alex is ready to tap out!
“Ok Zosia, let’s find you a suit.” Todd says.
“We should have called our blog post ‘Mami needs a Beer’.” Says Alex.

After another 5 mins of Todd explaining why we need to take off underwear for swimsuits and Zosia yelling. Followed by some discussion about what shoes to wear. Todd gets Zosia dressed and leaves for the beach.
Alex opens a Cerveza Indio and puts her feet up. * 5 mins of silence and alone time * Wonderful!
Todd comes back up the hill looking a bit frustrated. He says “They didn’t even want to go to the water.”
Adela says “I need to poop.”
Don’t believe those Instagram pics. Family life is filled with break-you-down moments. But- you can manage to take capture some pretty beautiful moments that make it worth the aggravation.