We recently had our preschool Bon Voyage Party. (Rose City Neighborhood Preschool-we’ve loved this community!!) I was doing really well handling all these “goodbye” emotional steps-until I went to bed that night and started thinking.
I started thinking about what our life really revolves around- it’s the emotional well being of our kids- that they feel safe, secure, and loved. Can anything else really matter if these are not in place?
As of this morning, this is how the girls see themselves:

And I continued thinking…
Thinking about all the close relationships we have made with the families that were part of our preschool co-op. These children shaped our daughter for the last 3 years.
Thinking about the next phase Adela will embark on when we return from our trip- kindergarten.
Thinking about how these parent friends have been my life line…on days I felt so exhausted from being woken up at 3am by our little minions…or on days where I felt so isolated from choosing to be at home with my daughters….and not working the 9-5. These friends have immensely helped me during the hard re-moulding years of early parenthood.

Now I’m thinking the goodbye to our family is going to really have me in tears.
Leaving Seattle for 2.5 years was scary because we pulled the plug on everything and had no idea where we would return to (we figured Portland). Leaving Portland and knowing we will return is exciting, but I’m also finding it heartbreaking because we matter here and I see the girls’ future here. My bottom line lesson is-it’s hard to pull away from your community, no matter what the future brings.
Sometimes you’re so busy raising your kids you forget you bring others joy, just by being your old, thin on patience, tired self. So, PARENTS – (my parents included)- pat yourself on the back, you’re doing a lot of good things! Lots and lots of good things. And stay connected to your community, it really does matter.