We knew we had a long and arduous travel itinerary to Buenos Aires…there was no other way to do it.

- We left San Pedro (on the lake) at about 8:30am Saturday and after about 5 hrs and only about 100 miles we made it the airport in Guatemala City (we did switch buses once, and this took about 40 mins).
- Then we got on a plane, at about 5:00pm for Bogota.
- Then to Lima to spend the night in the airport (1:30am to 10:35am)
Salt flats on the way from Peru to Argentina. Someone is making some salt! First view of the Andes! Snow or salt??? - Then to Buenos Aires then after a little work getting to the Airbnb, we were here by 7:00pm Sunday.
That is about 35hrs of traveling with a 2hr time change, but at least we got a good price on the ticket 😉. In the end it really was not that bad the seats were big on the plane and they fed us well. Buenos Aires is a beautiful city.
We are staying in the Palermo area, which is a neighborhood that reminds us of parts of Manhattan or Brooklyn. Very dense, with tons of shops and nice trees along the streets, a ton of charm. This is a pretty hip place. There are even a few micro breweries that make it look like home.
After Guatemala, where they eat very little meat and the meat that was around was not great, we were craving meat. It just so happens that they LOVE their meat here. Even Alex was basking in the steak that we got for dinner. That was the first night.
The next day after a bunch of sight seeing we decided to continue our meat streak…unfortunately, it was too much for Alex’s stomach. She got some pretty intense food poisoning for 1.5 days, probably from the meat pictured in this dish.
Surprisingly, Todd was not affected AT ALL!!! Alex is out and about now, but her stomach is still on the mend, one week later. Lesson learned.

Buenos Aires looks like a marvelous city. The cemetery is to die for! 😉
Eat your heart out, Yvonne.
I love empanadas. Try some in the style of Salta: even more delicious in my opinion (a bit more spice)
We will have to look for those! Todd and I were wondering if you have visited Argentina?
Yes, twice (Dick has been 4 times for work). Buenos Aires, Iguasu, Barioloche, Ushuaia the first time. Buenos Aires, Ushuaia, Calafate (to see Torres del Paine and the Lago Argentina Glacier, which broke its ice dam while we watched: we have it on video tape!), Peninsula Valdes (which is a splendid nature/marine reserve) and Salta the second time. We’ve got a photo of the end of the Pan American Hwy in Ushuaia — I assume you’ll have your own at some time soon. Dick adds that he stayed in an apartment nearly across the street from the Recolata Cemetery. I’d go back to any of them at the drop of a hat (provided it was the right time of year, i.e. not too hot or too cold). Dick reports that the RORO has left port: how is Lola?