Our first full day of vanlife. Overwhelming? Underwhelming? Was there any pressure (YES-our pressure cooker made some beans tonight!)???
We’ve been thinking about the first day on the road for so long, and it finally happened! We had a really great day, really. So, what are our worries?
- Security in the spot where we decide to sleep. Is someone going to knock on our door at 12:31 and say, please move your vehicle?
- How do we organize the kitchen utensils so that we’re not opening EVERY SINGLE drawer and compartment?
- How do we divide roles so that we’re not in one another’s space?
- Will we get tired of being around one another all the time?
- Will cooking each meal take forever???
But seriously, we had a beautiful day traveling through Southwestern Oregon. We spent our first night in Eugene, an U of O is has a great education school. Then we drove down to the North Umpqua river for lunch, and a quick dip in freezing river water, by Todd. Tonight we stay in Ashland…off to see more of the town and get some ice cream!
Additionally some observations, Todd was surprised by how dry it was south of Eugene, I was amazed by all the expansive lush valleys and the tall mountains in the distance. How is it the earth is so big and there are so many beautiful places to see?

I’m glad you are safely away on your journey at last! Have a great time making these memories together. I love you both. Hugs!