It’s a gorgeously “set” place. The first place we saw where a river valley had a stream feeding into the Pacific. Palm tree groves and GREEN GRASS lining entrances into resort complexes. There are so many beautiful places in the world. I’m not quite sure how to classify this one. I had the strange feeling […]
Day to Day-What’s it Like?
We figured out we have a mouse. Yesterday I woke up at 1am and lay in bed reading my book. Then I started to hear the slightest rustling. You should know I’ve become a very light sleeper because I’m anticipating the girls waking up at least once a night (needing to pee or be covered […]
First Baja Shopping Trip
For me, stepping into a grocery store reflects a lot about the culture of the area. For our first shopping trip, about a month ago, we stopped at a large Calimex store in San Felipe because we needed to get a lot of basics (rice, beans, pasta), and produce. Well, it was a very easy […]
Los Barriles Luxury
After our windshield cracked and fan busted, we made it to our destination- Los Barriles. We rented a spacious house with a view of the Sea of Cortez and spent a beautiful week with family. We were very lucky to stay at this large house that had a great variety of birds visiting all the […]
A Day of Double Failures
Welll, we weren’t planning for this. But we are always expecting something to break. Yesterday was a double whammy. As soon as we pulled out onto the main road from our restorative 2 nights at the insanely beautiful El Coyote campsite… …I noticed that a small existing crack in our windshield has advanced- LIKE 6”’!!! […]
Changing Vistas
There’s something to “overlanding.” Defined as traveling by driving over land, it also refers to the culture of living out of a vehicle. I’m figuring out why it’s so enjoyable for us. Wikipedia: self-reliant overland travel to remote destinations where the journey is the principal goal. Typically, but not exclusively, it is accomplished with mechanized off-road capable […]
Baja Parenting
Here we are on the most beautiful beach yet. Laguna Ojo de Liebre. We thought it might be nice to take a walk on the beach. The girls are demanding to wear their swim suits and go in the water. Sure why not, but it is 65F. Still yes. OK let’s get them out. They […]
Highly Anticipated & Much Stressed About: Mexican Border Crossing Day
Adela managed to get an ear infection the evening before our border crossing day! We figured we should take care of the doctor visit on the US side just in case it was something bigger…it wasn’t. At 10:45am we managed to pull away from the pharmacy with the right antibiotic and headed to the border! […]
The Continued Sprint to the Mexican Border
“So we’re doing this!” I reminded myself at random points of time on days 4 and 5…we are in fact going on a long trip, with our children. Initially it felt like we were going for a regular old camping trip. We drove from Portland to Medford, OR. Then Medford to Red Rocks Trail, CA. […]
Departure #1 & #2
**We love your comments, don’t be afraid to comment! And please subscribe to get these delivered to your inbox.** One of our ways to ensure sanity-a calm departure. It’s better to leave a day later, when you feel better prepared. Additionally on Weds evening, we learned of a fresh snowfall in Southern Oregon, so that […]