After Medellin we drove a couple of kilometers north to get to the central cordillera of Colombia. We (or I) was on the search for some coffee covered hillsides and unspoiled beauty. So our daily plans focused on being off the beaten path, finding donuts, and drinking coffee. We started our city-detox with the quaint […]
Just When You Think Things Are Going Smoothly…Van Oddities and the Pressure of THE END in Northern Ecuador

We emerged out of the Ecuadorian jungle! Our next destination was Cotopaxi, one of Ecuador‘s crown jewels. Emerging from the jungle definitely made me feel better temperature wise and I began looking forward to our border crossing to Colombia, only 2 weeks away. I figured everything was going to go great. I didn’t anticipate any cloudy skies, bugs, landslides, or additional […]
Baños and Beyond Fears of the Steaming Jungle

Our departure from the Galapagos were hard, you know when you’re in an amazing place and the likelihood that you will return is probably never. But, we forged on. In a way, we were very glad to be leaving low elevation coastlines because we are not hot climate people, although we thoroughly enjoy lazy beach […]
KIDS ONLY: Thinking About “Lonesome George” on Earth Day

“Don’t throw your garbage just anywhere! Take care of your environment, pick up after yourself! Trash ruins the environment and habitat of animals around us!” Our parents and teachers are always telling us to respect nature. But WHY??? What is all the fuss about, really? If I throw away just one candy wrapper or dirty tissue, is it really […]
Evolutionary Equatorial Magic: The Galapagos

Note to our Readers: We apologize for the massive delay in our posts. In an effort to try to bring you up to speed, we’re going to skip posting about our adventures in Peru and go straight ahead to Ecuador! We promise to write about our travels in Peru eventually. We spent two and a […]
Want to Wear Beautiful Woolen Skirts? Lago Titicaca & Tiwanaku Ruins Are The Place For It

Some places simply capture your heart and fill you with wonder. Lake Titicaca and Tiwanaku, only 50km away from one another, captivated me and were the cherry on top for our visit in Bolivia. Lago Titicaca, in the Aymara language Titi= Puma and Caca=Rock, truly took me by surprise and captured my heart and tapped into […]
Torres del Paine: Unlike Any Other

At this point in the journey we knew we were really into the wonders of Patagonia. There was no denying it that each day was filled with amazing views. When you’re surrounded by jagged snowy peaks, lush green forests, and empty windy roads, its hard not to be ecstatic about your road trip. We arrived […]
Argentina’s Great Parks

Again, this is embarrassing, but we are quite behind on our official travel posts. Last time we wrote it was the end of December, and we had just driven the Carretera Austral in Chile, and moving into Argentina. Our “Week in Food“ series, that some will remember, was done during this same time. We rushed a […]
KIDS ONLY: Creatures from Chile and Argentina

I promised my younger readers I would post about the animals we’ve seen and here it is! Thus far we have traveled over 14,000 MILES in Chile and Argentina!!! This is an astounding statistic for me. (I could come up with so many math problems about it) Such a massive distance, we have covered so […]