“Don’t throw your garbage just anywhere! Take care of your environment, pick up after yourself! Trash ruins the environment and habitat of animals around us!” Our parents and teachers are always telling us to respect nature. But WHY??? What is all the fuss about, really? If I throw away just one candy wrapper or dirty tissue, is it really […]
Evolutionary Equatorial Magic: The Galapagos

Note to our Readers: We apologize for the massive delay in our posts. In an effort to try to bring you up to speed, we’re going to skip posting about our adventures in Peru and go straight ahead to Ecuador! We promise to write about our travels in Peru eventually. We spent two and a […]
Now, How do I Become a Flamingo? Southwest Bolivia’s Laguna Circuit

Getting to this remote and mother-nature-intense part of the world was a great accomplishment for us. Somehow (perhaps due to El Nino) the Andes of southern Bolivia and northern Chile received an unusually heavy snowfall in late May of 2017. It has happened in the past, one man told us that it had happened more […]
Tierra Del Fuego: The Ends of the Roads

I know it’s been a while. We took a trip back home for two months and had the best intentions of catching up then, but we were pretty busy. Alex is working on a post about our trip home, and we should have it out soon. We are currently in La Paz, Bolivia. We are […]
KIDS ONLY: Creatures from Chile and Argentina

I promised my younger readers I would post about the animals we’ve seen and here it is! Thus far we have traveled over 14,000 MILES in Chile and Argentina!!! This is an astounding statistic for me. (I could come up with so many math problems about it) Such a massive distance, we have covered so […]