(Written on 2/8/18, posted on 5/1/18) Well, right now I can tell you what the truck stops in Colombia are like. Dusty, some wifi, some toilet seats, there might be toilet paper in the bathrooms, small snack shops….it’s an interesting place to spend the night. For instance, this morning I witnessed white flabby neck cows […]
Just When You Think Things Are Going Smoothly…Van Oddities and the Pressure of THE END in Northern Ecuador

We emerged out of the Ecuadorian jungle! Our next destination was Cotopaxi, one of Ecuador‘s crown jewels. Emerging from the jungle definitely made me feel better temperature wise and I began looking forward to our border crossing to Colombia, only 2 weeks away. I figured everything was going to go great. I didn’t anticipate any cloudy skies, bugs, landslides, or additional […]
Baños and Beyond Fears of the Steaming Jungle

Our departure from the Galapagos were hard, you know when you’re in an amazing place and the likelihood that you will return is probably never. But, we forged on. In a way, we were very glad to be leaving low elevation coastlines because we are not hot climate people, although we thoroughly enjoy lazy beach […]
Southern Ecuador

In early January of this year we left Peru and entered Ecuador. We had a great time exploring Peru, there is a great diversity in landscape, great archaeological sites, and friendly people, but Peru is a tough place to travel in. After 3 months we were ready for a change and looking forward to Ecuador. […]
KIDS ONLY: Thinking About “Lonesome George” on Earth Day

“Don’t throw your garbage just anywhere! Take care of your environment, pick up after yourself! Trash ruins the environment and habitat of animals around us!” Our parents and teachers are always telling us to respect nature. But WHY??? What is all the fuss about, really? If I throw away just one candy wrapper or dirty tissue, is it really […]
Evolutionary Equatorial Magic: The Galapagos

Note to our Readers: We apologize for the massive delay in our posts. In an effort to try to bring you up to speed, we’re going to skip posting about our adventures in Peru and go straight ahead to Ecuador! We promise to write about our travels in Peru eventually. We spent two and a […]
Want to Wear Beautiful Woolen Skirts? Lago Titicaca & Tiwanaku Ruins Are The Place For It

Some places simply capture your heart and fill you with wonder. Lake Titicaca and Tiwanaku, only 50km away from one another, captivated me and were the cherry on top for our visit in Bolivia. Lago Titicaca, in the Aymara language Titi= Puma and Caca=Rock, truly took me by surprise and captured my heart and tapped into […]
Don’t skip Bolivia: La Paz, Cerro Sajama and Corocio

Most overlanders traveling in South America do visit Bolivia, but we have been asked by several times by overlanders if they should skip Bolivia. There are lot of reasons someone might skip this country. For one, Bolivia has a reputation for bad roads, corrupt police, issues getting fuel and just being a hard place to travel in. If […]
Now, How do I Become a Flamingo? Southwest Bolivia’s Laguna Circuit

Getting to this remote and mother-nature-intense part of the world was a great accomplishment for us. Somehow (perhaps due to El Nino) the Andes of southern Bolivia and northern Chile received an unusually heavy snowfall in late May of 2017. It has happened in the past, one man told us that it had happened more […]
How We Stay Cool as Cucumbers: Insulated Van Curtains, Sun Shades, & Screens

This was a daunting project, but boy am I happy I did it. Because of these simple additions we stay cool in the hot sun and we get a lot of privacy too. These curtains, shades, and bug screens are something we use EVERY day. We don’t always boil a pot of water in the […]