Well things have certainly changed around here!
I hope you and your family are physically and mentally healthy during this overwhelming time of COVID-19. No doubt this virus has changed our norms, things we depend on for survival, and how we interact with one another. I hope you are lucky enough to stay home and stay healthy. Hopefully you can also take some kind of positive spin on this time of reclusion. Stay strong, stay home; its aggravating, but its not worth spreading the virus. Take up that hobby, cook those advanced recipes, and maybe even write a blog post!
As some of you may know, 8 months ago we welcomed a new soul into the world! Her name is Adela and she is the absolute love of our lives. (I’ve had mixed feelings about posting about her existence online so please don’t feel offended if you didn’t know!) With Adela, our lives have changed in many ways of course, but our thirst for adventure still peeks out. On the rare days we are not too groggy-eyed and its relatively quiet in our house we continue to think of places to go with Lola. So, I figure its time to get back to writing about all the spots I skipped while we were en route. I’m sure it’s going to be slow going, but Adela’s naps reach 90 minutes sometimes-thats enough for a shower and some writing!

Hi Alex. Great to see your smiling face… You don’t look too sleep deprived! In the gap in time department, Leslie and I have moved to Port Townsend where we are renovating an old Victorian house, built in 1886. It’s easy to shelter in place in small town America and you have a project list that’s a mile long.