We have been on the road for almost a month! Granted a lot of this time was spent with family, we have spent most nights sleeping in Lola and figuring things out how she works or how we’re going to have to work with her! ——- We crossed down from New York to Florida Sept […]
Driving Across the Grand Midwest
Todd has driven across the US twice before, I’ve done it once before. So you would think we have a grasp on the size of our beautiful America….we drove from South Western Wyoming to South Central Michigan and it took 3 full days of driving. No sightseeing, just driving. Wow, you could go to your job and […]
TETONS & JACKSON: a HOLE lot of fun!
Our time in Wyoming has been well spent. Jackson is extremely touristy, but its fun to see people’s rendition of The West. Sadly, there is little to no mention of the history of Native Americans. Its as though the white man just appeared here and the land belonged to him. I’m going to […]
Quick Update: Jackson
We are in Jackson Wyoming enjoying the city life and taking care of business on the interwebs.
Klamath Falls and Burns
After departing Ashland we drove towards Klamath Falls, where we met Todd’s grad school buddy. He is a professor at Oregon Tech, he’s pretty amazing. He’s the resident geotech professor at this small college. And he’s probably the resident geotech within a 200 mile radius too. The school is a teaching college and that is his […]
First Full Day of Vanlife
Our first full day of vanlife. Overwhelming? Underwhelming? Was there any pressure (YES-our pressure cooker made some beans tonight!)??? We’ve been thinking about the first day on the road for so long, and it finally happened! We had a really great day, really. So, what are our worries? Security in the spot where we decide […]
The Countdown is Happening!
We are both shocked it is already June 13th. It feels like it was just a couple of weeks ago we decided to commit to this crazy adventure, now we actually have to get ready for it! Lola is coming along, slower than we would have liked, but family comes first and let’s face it, […]
This is a great video talking about how all the wonderful instagram pictures are not what vanlife is really what it is all about.